Promote your business with an effective marketing display. Use canopies to showcase your company and attract the right target audience. Join the many business owners who utilize their canopies every day. If you’re on the fence about these structures, read the six reasons your small business needs a custom business canopy.
Understanding Customized Canopies
A canopy is a fabric structure with an overhead roof and metal poles to uphold it. Typically, canopies feature solid colors, and people use them for outdoor events. However, they’re beneficial for business owners interested in promoting their companies. People customize the structures with brand colors, logos, and other information. They’re an excellent promotional tool as it helps consumers identify companies at various events. People can make their businesses stand out in a crowd of other establishments.
What Types of Businesses Use Customized Canopies?
All types of businesses use customized canopies! They’re not exclusive to any industry because they help companies attract their target audience. Business owners use canopies in different settings for specific reasons. For example, local bee farmers use canopies at farmer’s markets to set up shop and sell honey.
A business can also use canopies at job fairs to attract potential employees. Canopies serve various purposes, from selling products and services to raising brand awareness. With customized structures, every business has a unique way to get its brand out there!
Are Business Canopies Worth It?
We get it. Small businesses have limited budgets, and no one wants to waste money. However, business canopies are smart investments because they’re durable marketing tools. They’re also cost-effective and fit many budgets. Take the canopy to events and leave a lasting impression on consumers. Become a familiar face in your community! Compete with big-name brands with an awesome business display.
As you read the reasons why your business needs a canopy, you’ll understand why they’re effective structures for any company.
Increases Brand Awareness
The only way to grow your business is to promote your brand. You need people to know who you are, and that starts with brand awareness. The most memorable companies are ones with specific logos and colors. Besides displaying your logo within your building, it’s essential to showcase it on customized decals. Canopies are the perfect way to display the company’s name, logo, and brand colors.
Custom canopies fit your needs with unique colors and designs! People who see your business at events will associate the color scheme and logo with your brand. The goal is to create consistency and bring attention to your company.
Reliable Marketing Tool
All businesses have a marketing budget. However, many small businesses have limited funds for promotional efforts. That said, getting the most out of your budget with a reliable marketing tool is essential. Of course, tools like business cards and flyers are standard, but they’re not always dependable (or memorable). Think about the dozens of business cards you’ve received over the years. Do you remember those companies? Most likely, no.
The best thing about business canopies is that they’re memorable and durable! The canopies feature high-quality materials that withstand the test of time. Instead of allocating your budget toward forgetful promotional tools, purchase a reliable customized canopy.
Perfect for Various Events
Your small business needs a custom business canopy because they’re perfect for various events. Indoor expos, trade shows, outdoor events, and festivals are a few places where businesses display their brand. When you participate in events, other companies promote their products and services. So, why not do the same? Canopies range in size, and you can purchase a structure that fits in different spaces.
Pair canopies with other eye-catching visuals like table covers or teardrop flags with your company’s name and fun prints. When it’s time to promote your brand, have the best visuals on hand! Consider them a seamless addition to any event.
Offers Easy Installation and Transport
Pop-up canopies are easy to install. Think of it as setting up a tent. Within a few minutes, everything is up and running. Essentially, you open the tent and place it in the correct spot. Don’t deal with the hassle of hard-to-open structures. There’s nothing worse than spending too much valuable time setting up a booth.
Fortunately, canopies are lightweight, making them easy to transport. Pack them in your car and take them on the go! You’ll have an attractive promotional piece that looks great at all events.
Pro tip: If your canopy is too heavy, place the structure in a small wagon to transport the structure to vendor grounds.
Helps Your Business Stand Out
Everyone likes visually attractive things, especially consumers. Without attractive logos or colors, it’s easy for consumers to ignore your company. What’s exciting about a plain white or black tent? Stand out amongst your competitors by purchasing a custom business canopy! Print your business’s logo, name, services, and contact information on the structure. When people pass your canopy, they can’t help but look at the structure.
Become a showstopper at festivals, trade shows, expos, and other fun events. Reach your target audience and enjoy the beautiful appearance of the canopy. You’ll have a leg up on the competition with bold color schemes and unique logos.
Easy To Obtain
Obtaining a customized canopy is easier than you think. Companies (like us) create custom products for businesses all the time! No one wants a dull and lackluster tent, and it’s our mission to add pizzazz. At Westshade, we offer custom-printed canopy tents. Use our online tool to upload logos, decals, and other specific elements. We’ll create the product of your dreams!
We understand that businesses want their custom pieces as soon as possible. That’s why we offer a turnaround within seven days. You’ll receive your personalized canopy in no time.
Perfect Pairings
As mentioned, you should pair the business canopy with other eye-catching visuals like table covers and teardrop flags. They enhance your display and reiterate company information. Banners are the perfect choice if you’re looking for an additional feature. They’re large and easy to see! People are sure to spot your table from across the event space.
It’s also important to bring other promotional items for continuous brand recognition. For example, pens, water bottles, and bags with logos are great to give out!
Always Be the Star of the Show
Be the star of the show in any setting with a customized canopy. The right style and design will attract your target audience and increase brand awareness. Imagine someone buying your goods because your business display is attractive. Take pride in your company and become an unstoppable force in your industry.
Let Westshade create your customized canopies. Visit our website to start your journey with us today!